

  Individuality & The Greater Good  We could choose to begin this discussion with the Stanford Prison Experiment or the Reserve Police Battalion 101, or other such instances of individuals throwing off the shackles of potential scrutiny and punishment for the obscurement of collectivism, but I find the time necessary to explain those situations unnecessary […]


The Purpose of Government

  The Purpose of Government Often, I am given the opportunity to discuss the high-minded topics of Equality, Justice, Truth, and sometimes Love. But on the efforts of Government, I rarely pen these thoughts, as they tend to devolve into the useless anger and vitriol I am unfortunately sometimes knows for, yet this is not […]



Freedom And now comes the most important topic that concerns the entirety of our lives, our proclivities, leanings, our factions, and of course our biases. As it relates to government, James Madison spoke with great authority in No. 62 to the Peoples of New York in 1788. “…great injury results from unstable government. The want […]